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Mühendisler Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

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You are here:    Homepage arrow ITALCOPPIE arrow Evoluted sensors arrow EVOSER SET
With a PC, it allow to configurate and watch all the functions parameters

Technical data

Evoser Set Kit content 1 stabilised power supply for connection to the 220V AC mains
1 RS232/RS485 isolated serial converter which connects to the PC's RS232 port
1 USB cable for powering the serial converter
1 Connector to the Evoser device to be configured
1 CD containing the Evoser configuration software and the instruction manual in pdf format
EvoSerConf Software to configurate all the evoser main parameters
For Windows 98,ME,Xp,2K
Free downloading from download web site section
User interface language Italian, English, Spanish, German, French
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