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Mühendisler Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

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You are here:    Homepage arrow ITALCOPPIE arrow System for Iron Metallurgy arrow SKIN POINT RTD

Monitoring system for iron metallurgy electrical furnaces
The skin point RTD is made specifically to with-stand severe environmental conditions and to be easily set up with minimum maintenance standoff. (cod. D004209A/1)

Technical data

Sensing element: Single RTD 1 Pt 100 ohm at 0° C TO IEC 751 class B
Insulation resistance: 100 M ohm with 100 Vdc
temperature range: -50ºC, +120ºC
response time: less than 6 sec. (Test in water to IEC 751-time for reaching 63% of thermical gap)
Plate material Inox
Fitting Compression fitting wi
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