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Mühendisler Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

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You are here:    Homepage arrow ITALCOPPIE arrow Evoluted sensors arrow WIRELESS COMMUNICATION MODULES
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Wireless communication modules to remote an EVOSER Network

Technical data

Working environment Temperature: -0°C÷55°C
Max. humidity: 90% a +40°C
Dimensions 17,5 x 100 x 112 mm
Power supply 10÷18Vcc or 21,5÷28Vcc
Possibility of battery or solar panel powered
Transmission frequency 868 MHz
Irradiated power 10mW
Max Speed 100Kbps
Wireless covered distance 100 meters in free air
Installation For DIN 35mm guide
Optional accessories Directional antenna for connection to over 1 Km (requires license)
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